Tracktion English

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Tracktion 5



  • Modernised UI Scheme
  • Edit Clip
  • Step-Sequence Clip
  • VST3 Hosting
  • Tabbing Edits
    • Chrome-like popping out of Edits into separate windows
  • Drag-and-Drop Presets
  • Freeze Points
  • Redesign of file exporting
  • CPU Manager
  • Ghost Tracks
  • Track Images
  • Track Colours
  • MIDI Note Automation
  • MIDI piano roll keys are velocity-sensitive
  • MIDI Note: hold shift + drag vertically to modify its velocity
  • MIDI Note: hold ctrl + drag from the left to extend the note leftwards
  • Roli MDC SysEx message support
  • Pan law support: linear, -2.5/-3.0/-4.5/-6.0 dB Center (all are equal-power)
  • Melodyne Audio Random Access (Coming Soon)
  • (Slew of bug fixes)
  • (Slew of optimisations)
  • (Slew of usability tweaks)


  • Colour scheme editor

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can fully assign the Tracktion keyboard shortcuts however you like however the default shortcuts are well thought-out and a great starting point for new users. Below is the complete list of default keyboard shortcuts for Windows, MacOSX and Linux.

Note to editors: A quick means of adding/removing/editing the shortcuts in this Wiki is exporting the shortcuts from Tracktion into an HTML file. Then, take the result file's source and paste it in this site to get a Wiki formatted version: . Editing of the code will be required to change the table format to a wikitable. The sub-header formatting will need changing from h4 tags to ====.



Action Shortcut
Flip between edit/project screens escape, ctrl + tab
Go to project screen F1
Go to edit screen F3
Go to settings screen F2
Save the current edit ctrl + S
Save the current edit as ctrl + shift + S
Quit the application ctrl + Q

Help Functions

Action Shortcut
Show Tracktion's help documentation F12
Enable/Disable the popup help F11
Show popup help for whatever the mouse is currently over F10

Transport Controls

Action Shortcut
Start/stop playing spacebar, ctrl + spacebar, play, stop
Start playing  
Stop playing  
Forward cursor right
Back cursor left
Record R
Abort current recording, and discard anything recorded ctrl + R
Abort current recording, discard anything recorded, and restart ctrl + alt + R
Arm or disarm all input devices alt + R
Toggle safe record  
Stop safe recording ctrl + shift + alt + R
Panic reset the audio engine  
Turn looping on/off L
Turn snapping on/off Q
Turn click track on/off C
Turn punch-in on/off P
Turn scrolling on/off shift + S
Turn MIDI timecode chasing on/off shift + T
Toggle timecode between bars/seconds T
Turn playback-in-stop on/off shift + E
Punch out of automation record mode U
Punch out of automation record mode, clearing any subsequent curve data ctrl + U
Toggle automation write mode Y
Toggle automation read mode H

Moving/Zooming Controls

Action Shortcut
Move cursor to start of marked clips or edit home
Move cursor to end of marked clips or edit end
Scroll up to top of tracks ctrl + home
Scroll down to bottom of tracks ctrl + end
Move to the previous marker -
Move to the next marker =
Scroll tracks up shift + cursor down
Scroll tracks down shift + cursor up
Scroll tracks left shift + cursor left
Scroll tracks right shift + cursor right
Vertical zoom-in ctrl + shift + cursor up
Vertical zoom-out ctrl + shift + cursor down
Select the item above the current selection alt + cursor up
Select the item below the current selection alt + cursor down
Select the item to the left of the current selection alt + cursor left
Select the item to the right of the current selection alt + cursor right
Select the item at the top of the current selection alt + home
Select the item at the bottom of the current selection alt + end
Zoom in cursor up
Zoom out cursor down
Zoom out to fit the entire edit on-screen F5
Zoom to fit horizontally and vertically N
Zoom in to show a few seconds around the cursor F6
Zoom in to show the marked region F7
Zoom to show the selected clips F4
Expand or contract the current track height Z
Rescale all tracks to fit on-screen F8
Set all tracks to the default track height F9
Expand or collapse folder track ctrl + F
Show or hide the big input-meters ctrl + alt + M
Show or hide the inputs section ctrl + shift + I
Show or hide the filters section ctrl + shift + F
Show or hide the left pane ctrl + shift + L
Show or hide the control section ctrl + shift + P
Show or hide the inputs, filters and controls ctrl + `
Show or hide of the global track ctrl + shift + G

Editing Functions

Action Shortcut
Delete delete, backspace
Cut ctrl + X
Copy ctrl + C
Paste ctrl + V
Paste inserting ctrl + I
Copy and paste selected clips directly into current edit ctrl + B
Delete the selected clips and their source audio files ctrl + M
Select all ctrl + A
Deselect all ctrl + D
Undo ctrl + Z
Redo ctrl + Y
Nudge selected clips left ctrl + cursor left
Nudge selected clips right ctrl + cursor right
Nudge selected clips up ctrl + cursor up
Nudge selected clips down ctrl + cursor down
Split selected clips at cursor /
Move start of selected clips to the cursor position J
Move end of selected clips to the cursor position K
Auto-Crossfade selected clips X
Mute selected clips shift + _
Pitch up 1 semitone ctrl + =
Pitch down 1 semitone ctrl + -
Pitch up 1 octave ctrl + shift + =
Pitch down 1 octave ctrl + shift + -
Mute selected tracks alt + -
Solo selected tracks alt + =
Move selected clips to back of z-order B
Clear marked region of selected clips ctrl + K
Delete marked region of selected clips, and move up selected ctrl + L
Delete marked region of selected clips, and move up all on track ctrl + J
Enable/Disable selected plugins F
Change selected plugin to its next preset .
Change selected plugin to its previous preset ,
Change to the previous take for a looped clip ctrl + ,
Change to the next take for a looped clip ctrl + .
Reset all level meter overload indicators \
Lock/Unlock the properties panel ctrl + P
Insert a new MIDI clip into the selected track G
Insert a new track into the edit ctrl + T
Insert a new folder track into the edit ctrl + shift + T
Insert a tempo change at the current cursor position ctrl + E, alt + T
Insert a time signature at the current cursor position alt + S
Insert a pitch change at the current cursor position alt + P
Import an audio or MIDI file A
Launch an external wave editor for the selected clip ctrl + W
Show clipboard contents ctrl + alt + C
Show the MIDI controller mappings window ctrl + shift + M
Show or hide the video window alt + M
Turn lock automation to clip on/off ctrl + shift + A


Action Shortcut
Mark-In I
Mark-Out O
Put the markers around the currently selected clips M
Jump backwards to next cut point page up, rewind
Jump forwards to next cut point page down, fast forward
Jump to the mark-in point [
Jump to the mark-out point ]
Toggle the marker view mode alt + K

MIDI Editor Controls

Action Shortcut
MIDI selection tool S
MIDI pencil tool D
MIDI eraser tool E
MIDI line tool alt + L
Toggle the 'velocities' panel in MIDI editor V
Toggle the 'controllers' panel in MIDI editor alt + C
Mute/Unmute MIDI note echo in the MIDI editor W
Enable/disable step-editor mode ctrl + alt + S
Insert a rest when in MIDI step-entry mode `
Toggle auto display of MIDI toolbar '





Title Link
Multiple Edits Overview
Edit Clips Overview
In-Line Step Sequencing Overview
CPU Manager Overview
Freeze Points Overview
MIDI Mastered Overview

Streamworks Audio

Title Link
Melodyne Editor

User Videos

Title Link
MIDI Learn

Tracktion 4





Streamworks Audio

Title Link
Hardware Setup and Project Management
The Edit Screen
VST Plugins and ReWire Devices
Recording Audio
Editing Audio
Recording MIDI
Editing MIDI
Tracktion's Mixer
Freezing, Rendering, Exporting
Rack Filters

Tracktion 3





Streamworks Audio

Title Link
Mackie Compressors
The Advanced Compressors
The 3-Band Compressor
The Channel Strips
Mackie 6-Band EQ
DIY Mastering and Final Mix


An alphabetical list of terms with brief explanations.

Deprecated term used in earlier versions to represent plugins, being 3rd party effects and instruments.
Filter Section
Section of the Edit page which contains plugins for each track is called the.
Rack Filter
Combination of plugins that can be treated as a single plugin. An instance may be created and saved for future use.